Very interesting and encouraging Sara. I recently did a two part blog post on Building the Wall and included stats regarding the present state of the church. We need the wall and the altar! http://wisdomfromtheword.ca/building-the-wall-part-1/

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These are really good thoughts Randy! Great to see we're on the same page. :)

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I am going out on a limb here - we may be hearing from the same Spirit:-) PS you have me reflecting on your comments on houses of prayer as I have felt for years we need to be more linked/integrated with an assembly. Thanks for sharing.

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Wow this is SO timely. The church that I am a part of (church: untitled) has been emphasizing the building of altars for the last several months. And we are going into a time of prayer and worship and fasting for 7 days at the end of august and have had sessions leading up to prep us for that time. And the sessions are called altar sessions! Thank u for writing this post.

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